Iridology Consultation

Nature’s Link Wellness Center offers iridology consultations in Breaux Bridge, Lafayette and the Acadiana area. We use iridology to see what’s going on inside your body and identify weaknesses passed on from your parents or developed in your lifetime. Once we know the potential problem areas, we can strengthen those weaknesses with herbs, vitamins or other natural health modalities.

What Is Iridology?

Iridology (also known as iridodiagnosis or iridiagnosis) is a holistic approach in which an iridologist studies the iris, or the colored part of the eye. Modern iridology is considered to have been discovered in the 1800s by Hungarian physician Ignatz von Peczely. Today, iridology is used in holistic health care to help identify various health conditions. Iridology analysis can reveal conditions in the organs in the body. Each part of the body is represented in a different area of the iris. The iridology practitioner uses an iridology chart to identify marks, signs, and discoloration in the iris that reveal inherited weaknesses and strengths.


Iridology: A Roadmap Inside Our Bodies

The eye is a direct outgrowth of the brain and is the only brain tissue that can be directly seen without surgical intervention, according to Dr. Bernard Jensen, author of “Understanding Iridology’, who is considered the ‘Father of American Iridology’.

Although iridology is a useful diagnostic tool, it cannot detect specific diseases. However, it can tell about a person’s inherited health issues, current health problems and the state of the organs in the body. This alternative medicine technique is different from exams that eye doctors perform in that an eye doctor focuses primarily on vision while the practice of iridology focuses on iris analysis.

Iridology is like a road map inside our bodies. The optic nerve is connected to the various organs of the body, sending messages back and forth from the organs to the iris, Jensen said. “It’s like if you hold a rope and someone on the other end shakes it or moves it, Eventually, you will feel the movement.” Lerner says, “The same is true for a nerve. If an organ is irritated, the effect will eventually travel up and the iris will reflect the irritation.” Libya Lerner, a certified herbalist in Mesa, Arizona says, “We are the products of our parents who had physical weaknesses passed on from their parents. There are no perfect eyes and there are not two alike.

Request A Consultation

Interested in knowing more about how iridology can be used to assist in improving your overall well-being?Contact Nature’s Link Wellness Center today by calling 337-332-2705 or request an appointment online!

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