Your Path to Wellbeing for Body and Mind

We don’t catch diseases; we create them
By breaking down our natural defenses
According to the way we eat, drink, think, feel and live.

Mind and Body

1. Mind/Body Harmony

At Nature’s Link Wellness Center, we’ve witnessed the deep connection between body and mind throughout our more than 20 years of experience in natural health and integrative medicine. One of our foundational beliefs is that good health is achieved by taking care of the whole person.

Dr. Kristine Devillier is a mind/body mentor who is passionate about holistic health—caring for both the body and mind equally to achieve whole-body harmony. Dr. Devillier develops proactive wellness programs that strengthen a harmonious connection between body and mind for complete health.

If you’re ready to achieve your best health, it’s time to understand how your mind and body can work most effectively together.

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2. Food

Many of us put medicine into our bodies to make us feel better. Yet we often don’t make the connection that the food we put into our bodies can make us feel better too.

Research supports the idea that what we eat plays a major role in our health. Health practitioners and scientists agree that food not only nourishes the body, it also helps protect us from many lifestyle diseases and symptoms of poor health. Eating well can help lower your risk of many chronic health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, reflux, obesity, and some cancers.

At Nature’s Link, we know that food is one of the first things you need to think about if you want to make a change to your health. Here, we give you some basics for getting started with eating in the best way possible.

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fresh food

3. Water

­Water is essential to all life on this planet. Every plant and animal need it to survive and flourish. Humans are no exception. In fact, our bodies are mostly made of H₂O — about 50 to 70% of our weight is water, depending on your age and size.

Water and hydration play many critical roles in our health. Every cell, tissue, and organ in the human body needs water to function well. All the body’s major systems rely on water to make them work properly too.

Although it’s a good idea to drink sufficient water, we can also stay hydrated by consuming other fluids such as teas and juices. We can get water from the foods we eat too.

Here’s more on the importance of water and staying hydrated for your health.

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4. Sleep

Sleep is vital to the health of every living being — from the largest mammals to the smallest insects, and of course, humans. It’s a time of repair and restoration for the body and brain. Indeed, sleep is nature’s most beneficial cure.

When it comes to your physical and mental health, regular, good sleep is a necessity. It’s as important as eating well and getting regular exercise or movement every day. This is because your body and brain aren’t resting while you sleep. They’re hard at work keeping your tissues, organs, and body processes functioning well.

Here’s more on how good quality sleep helps protect your health.

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5. Exercise

­Exercise has a positive impact on all the body’s systems. Regular daily movement — everything from a brisk walk to gardening — helps! So, whether you love going to the gym, doing yoga, hiking, swimming, or dancing around the house, the key is to move frequently every day.

You’re never too old to start reaping the benefits of regular movement. Make exercise or movement a priority for you every day — starting today!

Here’s how exercise and movement help keep each of your body’s systems in tip top shape.

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6. Supplements

Eating well is one of the best prescriptions for good health. Making home-made meals centered around local, seasonal veggies and fruits is the surest way to get the nutrients your body and brain need to survive and thrive.

But it isn’t always easy to make healthy meals on a regular basis. And even when you do, sometimes you still aren’t getting all the nutrients your body and brain require for optimal health.

This is where supplements can help. Whether you want to give your diet a boost, prevent deficiencies, or help ease symptoms from health conditions such as osteoporosis or arthritis, supplements are an easy, convenient way to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your body and brain need in the right amounts.

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happy friends

7. Community

­­You might be surprised to learn that community is an important part of a long and healthy life. Taking care of your body and brain are necessary too, but surrounding yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, people who share your faith, and others also plays a big part in your health and wellbeing.

Humans are social creatures. We need to connect with others to thrive. We need community.

Finding your community can also help you find your purpose in life. Knowing what you were put on this earth to do and maintaining a nurturing network of people to help you realize that purpose can make a real difference to your outlook, your health, and even add years to your life.

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8. Spirituality

When you think about your health, your body or physicality is likely the first thing that comes to mind. You may also recognize that your brain and its health play a key role in your overall wellness.

But did you know that spirituality has a big impact on your health too?

Research in neuroscience, genetics, and epidemiology shows that spirituality enables our bodies to be stronger and less prone to illness, our brains to be more resilient and robust, and our lives to be more meaningful and content.

For a complete wellness plan, consider making a spiritual practice part of your life – if you haven’t already.

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9. Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. Thankfully, it’s not all bad. In fact, some stress can be the thing that gives you an edge in a challenging situation. For example, when you’ve got a big presentation at work, stress can help you be more alert and motivated by boosting the flow of certain chemicals and hormones in your body.

Stress that comes and goes quickly isn’t usually harmful. However, a lot of the stress we experience today tends to linger. Technology, long work hours, current events, and financial difficulties can all contribute to stress that’s hard to escape. This type of persistent stress is the kind that can lead to some serious health issues.

Here’s more on what stress is and how it can affect your physical and mental health.

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10. Balance

We all want to have balance in our lives, yet it can seem like an impossible thing to achieve. With busy lives, hectic schedules, a mountain of tasks waiting to be checked off your ‘to do’ list… it can be difficult to know where to start.

Although having balance in life will look and feel differently for each person, there are aspects of achieving balance and living a life of balance that are true for everyone. When the body, mind, and heart are aligned with your values you are more likely to feel in balance.

Here’s why balance is so important and how to begin to achieve it in your life.

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