Children with behavioral, sensory, or imbalance needs
First off, it is not your fault, nor their fault that they may be a tad off balance or have these needs. We live in a country FULL of dangerous chemicals and toxins. Even if you buy organic and follow strict guidelines, there exposed to free radicals, gases, and foods that they are sensitive or allergic to every day.
Your child may already be on medications, or on “the spectrum” or near a diagnosis. Most of the time the diagnosis comes without any actual scientific proof. The medications make them feel “weird,” tired, sad, and not themselves right off the bat. That is their body saying no thank you.
We have the Calm Kids Package just for them. Their little bodies crave nutrition, and in just a few short days, they will start to FEEL “normal” or to move back towards a balanced, mellow, and calm self.
- What if they could stop breaking down and having tantrums?
- What if you could get through the whole grocery store with no anxiety?
- What if they were able to focus on school?
- What if they didn’t give up every time something didn’t work instantly?
This kids package is also very empowering. You can empower them to be in on the decision to make their brain and tummy feel better. Tell them that they will get to make the “superhero juice” with you and hold onto the Calm Bar for times when they may be nervous or stressed.
Please make sure to watch my Video on this package and refer to the 5 Key Benefits file for these products.
- Vital
- ReNue
- ProBio IQ
- Calm Essential Oil (the package comes with the Calm Bar formulated from the essential oil)